Opportunity contact email:
[Error loading the FormControl 'dropdownlist']
[DataConnection.HandleError]: Query: select top 1 [ContactEmail] as 'text', [ContactEmail] as 'value' FROM [dbo].MaterResearch_StudentOpportunities op where op.itemID= Caused exception: Incorrect syntax near '='.
[Error loading the FormControl 'dropdownlist']
[DataConnection.HandleError]: Query: select top 1 [ContactEmail] as 'text', [ContactEmail] as 'value' FROM [dbo].MaterResearch_StudentOpportunities op where op.itemID= Caused exception: Incorrect syntax near '='.
Opportunity Title:
[Error loading the FormControl 'dropdownlist']
[DataConnection.HandleError]: Query: select [OpportunityTitle] as 'text', [OpportunityTitle] as 'value' FROM [dbo].MaterResearch_StudentOpportunities op where op.itemID= Caused exception: Incorrect syntax near '='.
[Error loading the FormControl 'dropdownlist']
[DataConnection.HandleError]: Query: select [OpportunityTitle] as 'text', [OpportunityTitle] as 'value' FROM [dbo].MaterResearch_StudentOpportunities op where op.itemID= Caused exception: Incorrect syntax near '='.
Are you an international or domestic student:
Enrolled Degree:

Will your study be Part time or Full time:

Please check the following are attached to your application (less than 4MB in file size):