Have you considered joining a Human Research Ethics Committee?

Friday 17 April 2020

Mater Misericordiae Ltd (MML) is seeking volunteers to join the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC).  The primary role of an HREC is to protect the welfare, rights, dignity and safety of participants in research by considering proposals before the research can begin.  Proposals are reviewed by a HREC to ensure that they conform to the requirements of the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007, updated 2018) and other guidelines and relevant legislation (e.g. Commonwealth Privacy Act).  The committee helps to facilitate research, and particularly with the help of external members, brings a broad perspective to ethical review of studies.

The committee is specifically looking for both men and women of any age and background who do not currently engage in medical, scientific, legal or academic work, and who are not formally affiliated with Mater.

The committee meets 11 times per year for approximately 2-4 hours at Aubigny Place, Mater Hill, South Brisbane.  The time reviewing applications prior to the meeting will vary for each meeting depending upon the number and nature of proposals submitted.  Members are required to undertake occasional training relevant to the work and responsibilities of the committee.  There is no remuneration associated with this volunteer position however parking and refreshments are provided for the duration of the meetings. 

Special conditions during COVID-19 pandemic:  Meetings will be held virtually via Zoom or phone until social distancing is no longer required.

The research proposals reviewed include those undertaken at Mater Hospitals with engagement of patients or staff, potentially impacting care directly.  Other studies are conducted at the Translational Research Institute or in laboratories at Mater and investigate questions which may not have immediate clinical benefit but which could give insights to well-being and health and thereby influence the direction of future care.  Research proposals conducted outside of Mater sites may also be reviewed.

All eligible applicants are invited to submit an expression of interest by sending a cover letter detailing life experience and interests as well as a resume.  For further information or to submit an expression of interest for the MML HREC please email research.ethics@mater.uq.edu.au or call 3163 1585.  Any questions about the committee can be directed to Ms Jessica Pearson (Mater HREC Coordinator).