This study will investigate the use of a new medicine called AMT-151 which may be used in the future as a possible treatment for advanced solid tumours.
- Category
Trial status
Active, not recruiting
Trial phase
Phase 1 Drug TrialEarly stage studies seeking initial evidence of safety, dosage and efficacy in small numbers of patients or healthy volunteers.
- Registry listing
ERM Project ID
Trial contact details
Contact person
Caitlin Bennett
07 3163 7689
What you need to know
Who can take part?
Patients with advanced solid tumour and standard therapy has either been exhausted or is not available.
What is involved for you?
You will receive the study drug once every 3 weeks through intravenous (IV) infusion, which will take approximately one hour. You will be required to attend the clinic at least every week during treatment for a physical assessment, blood tests, ECGs and ongoing assessments. You will also receive ongoing tumour assessments via scans.