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ZOvCa - A phase 1 PET-CT study of 89Zr-hu/mo-10D7 in patients with advanced epithelial Ovarian Cancer

The research team have developed a protein, called an antibody, that binds selectively to epithelial ovarian cancer cells. The antibody is labelled with a radioactive metal ion, the weak signal from which can be detected on a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan. The PET scan will show the medical team where cancer cells are within the body.

  • Category
  • Trial status
    Not yet recruiting
  • Trial phase
    Phase 1 Drug Trial
    Early stage studies seeking initial evidence of safety, dosage and efficacy in small numbers of patients or healthy volunteers.
  • Registry listing
  • ERM Project ID

Trial contact details

What you need to know

Who can take part

The trial is seeking:

  • Adults (≥ 18 years) 
  • Histologically proven advanced ovarian cancer

What is involved for you

If you are a Mater patient, screening will take place at Mater Hospital Brisbane. All other visits will be conducted at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. 

If you are a Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) patient, all visits will be conducted at RBWH.

Your study doctor and/or a member of the research team will be scheduling your visits and you will be informed well ahead of time.

This study consists of the following hospital visits:

  • Screening (up to 30 days prior to injection of the imaging agent)
  • Day 0: Injection of the imaging agent, imaging, and assessments (duration approximately six hours)
  • Day 2 ± 1 day: Imaging (duration approximately two hours)
  • Day 5 ± 1 day : Imaging and assessments (duration approximately four hours)
  • Day 7 ± 1 day: Imaging and assessments  (duration approximately four hours)

Trial dates

September 2024 to September 2026

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