Stem Cells and Cancer Research
The Stem Cells and Cancer Research Group, led by Associate Professor Ingrid Winkler, has uncovered how cancerous cells manipulate their host environment to resist aggressive anti-cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy. Through their work, they have identified a pathway that overcomes the resistance of leukaemia cells to conventional anti-cancer treatments.
Having recently been awarded funding from the The Leukaemia Foundation, the Group is now investigating whether similar interactions in the body as those discovered by A/Prof Winkler to modulated by AML cells also exacerbate cancer therapy side effects. The Group will use this knowledge to test novel therapeutic applications by repurposing existing therapeutic agents to alleviate neurotoxicity, neuropathy and mucositis side effects associated with cancer therapy.
Significantly, the adjunct therapy should reduce side effects without compromising anti-cancer therapy efficacy and will include a significant focus on alleviating key sources of pain associated with cancer therapy.
Group Leader

Group members
Associate Professor Ingrid Winkler is supported by group members and student researchers:
Dr Svetlana Shatunova
Mr Ammar Alshammari
Ms Menelie Sevilla
Ms Nicolette Tay